Use "mithras|mithra" in a sentence

1. There were proposals to name the F4H "Satan" and "Mithras".

2. Mithras thus became the giver of authority and victory to the Imperial House.

3. The cult of Mithras was Christianity's main rival at the time of Constantine.

4. Oriental deities were in vogue, and temples were erected in honor of Mithras, Isis, and Osiris.

5. Contemporary sources described Mithra as having 000 ears and eyes, and as riding a gleaming white chariot above the clouds.

6. As 'God of Truth and Integrity', Mithras was invoked in solemn oaths to pledge the fulfillment of contracts and punish liars .

7. He is thus a god of the ages, associated with mystery religions concerned with the afterlife, such as the mysteries of Cybele, Dionysus, Orpheus, and Mithras.

8. Mithra like the rest of the gods and goddess of the Iranian Pantheon was stripped of his sovereignty, and all his powers and attributes were bestowed upon Zarathustra.

9. 1 Overview 1.1 The Baronies 1.2 Affiliated Domains 2 References All of the Baronies are nominally ruled by Mithras of London, though some are more loyal than others

10. Nĕ, nē, nei :: (negative particle: no, etc.)] -- Old Avestan: Yasna 29, the Cow's Lament <a> 'no, none' -- Old Avestan: Yasna 30 -- a gatha about reward and punishment Young Avestan: Yast 10 -- excerpt from Hymn to Mithra

11. ‘Prayer, reading, and Atonement grew into a way of life that Matt managed to keep hidden.’ ‘Put simply, Christ was an innocent substitute, sacrificed to make Atonement for sin.’ ‘Mithra was slain upon a cross in Persia to make Atonement for humankind and take away the sins of the world.’

12. The recognition of Sunday (the day of Phœbus and Mithras as well as the Lord’s Day) by the emperor Constantine . . . may have led Christians of the fourth century to feel the appropriateness of making the birthday of the Son of God coincide with that of the physical sun.

13. ‘Prayer, reading, and Atonement grew into a way of life that Matt managed to keep hidden.’ ‘Put simply, Christ was an innocent substitute, sacrificed to make Atonement for sin.’ ‘Mithra was slain upon a cross in Persia to make Atonement for humankind and take away the sins of the world.’

14. Asura (アスラ, Asura) is the main protagonist and titular character of the action beat 'em up game Asura's Wrath.He is the husband of Durga, father of Mithra, and brother-in-law of Yasha.His Mantra Affinity is Wrath.He was formerly one of the Eight Guardian Generals, and the Guardian General of Wrath, who served the Shinkoku Army and the Emperor to fight against the Gohma.